Use of

When you visit our website, information about you is gathered and stored, this information is used to adjust and improve on our website. If you do not want us to gather information, you should remove your cookies (see guide) and refrain from further use of our website.

Personal data is all kinds of information that relates to you. When you use our website we gather and process a number of such information.


If you explicitly agree to it and enter the information yourself, we process: name, phone number, e-mail and company. This applies to contact formular and newsletter subscription.

Google Analytics

DAMPA uses cookies to make statistics on the website with the use of Google Analytics. In other words, we register the traffic on the website and how you move around on the website. On the basis of this information we are continually improving our content and making it easier for you, to navigate our website. Data in Google Analytics are only stored as long as it is relevant to statistics.


When you subscribe to DAMPA’s newsletter, you accept that your e-mail, name and the company in which you are employed is registered. We use that information to send our newsletter as well as invitaiton to various events. If you do not wish to receive the newsletter anymore, you can click the ‘Unsubscribe’-link at the bottom of the newsletter at any time. You will immediately be removed from our mailing list.


DAMPA uses ActiveCampaign for the distribution of newsletters, invitations, and registration for events. ActiveCampaign is giving us the opportunity to see statistics of amongst others who open the newsletters as well as what links they are clicking on. That way we can tailor our content, to give you the most value.


When conducting a survey we use Google Forms. We only store your personal information if you agree to it. We only use them for the agreed purpose this e.g. being follow-up questions. 

Period of storage

We only store information in the timeframe that is legal in regards to current legislation and the data is deleted when it is no longer relevant. The period depends on the character of the data as well as the reason for storage. Therefore, we can not give a general timeframe, for how long data is stored. 

Passing on data

Data concerning your use of the website, country, sex, age segment and so on is passed on to third parties to the extend that this data is known. You can see which third-parties in the segment about ‘Cookies’. The data is exclusively used to optimize our services.


Other than that we use a number of third-parties for storage and processing of data. They only treat the data on behalf of us and can not use your data for their own purposes.


Passing on of personal data such as name and e-mail will only happen if you agree upon this. We only use data-processors within EU or in countries that can ensure the safety of your data. 

Insight and complaints

You have the right to be informed on what personal data concerning you, we are processing. Furthermore, you can object to any information on you we use, at any time. You can also revoke your acceptance of the data we are processing about you. If the data, we are processing, about you is wrong, you have the right to get it corrected or deleted. You can make an enquiry at: If you have any complaints about our processing of Person Data you can contact Datatilsynet or contact us at


When you use you accept that DAMPA uses cookies. You receive a message hereof in a pop-up at the top of the page, the first time you visit the website. Cookies is a text file, which is stored on your computer, mobile device or the like, with the purpose of recognizing it, remembering settings, conducting statistics and target ads. Cookies do not contain harmful code such as virus. It is possible to delete cookies or block cookies. See guide.

If you delete or block cookies, there is a risk that the website does not function optimally, and that there is content that you can not access.

See which cookies we use in our cookie declaration here